

Who Else Wants This Business That Generates Between 300 & 1000% Profit Each And Every Time You Do It?

“Discover How A Youth Corper Did This Business With N5,000 And Grossed Over N20,000, Scaled It Up And Turned Down A Bank Offer Claiming “I Have Found My Own Oil Well”




From Otunba Jide Omiyale,

Jidol Consul,

B4/B5 Lanre Complex.

New Ife Road, Ibadan.


Dear Business Friend,


What If you see a neat business that will easily give you 300 to even 1000% profit each and every time you do it?


A legit business you can start with as little as N5,000 and gross well over N20,000? We are talking about a business that has honor, integrity, prestige ,which makes you the envy of friends and neighbors.


A business that commands and not beg respect for you. I am sure you will grab it with both hands.


I don’t blame you, I too will, and I have done so already. Your present business position or financial status is not known to me, but I have a feeling you can do with some extra money and elevation of social status. You may already own a business; you can add this to diversify.


If you are green to business, this is a sure idea to start with. You can take my words for it. You see, ultimately, you will have to work for yourself if you are not doing so already.


If you really want freedom you need a business of your own. Because, no man is really free, who works for another man.


I should know because I passed through the road. I was at the top echelon of a multinational earning good pay, but I never felt so satisfied, honored and elated and fulfilled as I am now when running my own business.


You should strive to be a boss and snap fingers to give tasks to people to expand your empire.


If this is the kind of position you want, you are in the right place. The alternative to owning your own business is to be a slave forever.

But First, Who Is This Man?


Otunba Jide Omiyale is my name. A Chartered marketer, I hold three degrees, including an MBA. I head Jidol Consul, a management consultancy outfit in Ibadan specializing in small and medium scale businesses.


I have written many hugely successful books. The last one enjoys a massive patronage on the net without a single request for refund so far.


I make good money on the net using models including this one you are reading about. Enough of me, this is about you.

So Back To You


Let me tell you straight away what the business is not about


• It is not about affiliate marketing where you write and write for months without a sale.


•It is not multi-level marketing where you work for others to eat. In this business, you eat more than you work


• It is not surveys. Oh, I hate that one where they rudely shut their doors against you because you are from Nigeria.


• It is not video marketing. They know your accent and click the red x on the right-top of the screen


• Blogging? No. Unless you have plenty of time.


• Not fiver. A lot of Nigerians are doing that already.


• No Adwords, No Adsense.


So, What Is This Biz Then?


We shall get to that shortly, but now what you do not need.


1. You do not need much capital. You can start with as little as #5000.


2. You do not even need a bank account, but it helps if you have.


3. You do not need paypal account.


4. You do not need a store or even an office.


5. You do not even need to own a computer, but it helps if you have one.


6. You do not need a credit card, but if you have it also helps also.


7. You do not need net traffic, they are there aplenty already.


What Do You Need Then?


 The first thing you need and this is the most important is the will to make money and that you have already otherwise you won’t be here.


 You need about N5000 to start and I know you can get that. The moment you taste it, you will quickly look for more capital to take you up, live big and command respect.


 You must be able to click the mouse and that gain you have.


 You need a cybercafe,If you do not own a computer.


 Being here, I am sure, you have what it takes.


What Will This Business Do For You?


 It provides you enough cash from the profit to live an affluent life and spoil your loved ones which make them love you  the more.


 You become the go-to-man in your area because the business will surely expand your area of influence and become peoples’ idol.


 It commands you honor and respect because it is not your run of the mill business. People respect you because of the nature of the business. They give up their seats for you in gatherings.


 You get to know affluent people who will give you connections at the top. It affords you the opportunity to mix with cream of the society. More respect.


 And this is important, your expansion is limitless. You can get to any level.

Now, What Is the Business?


Simple. Importation, Mini Importation.The business is getting get dirt-cheap, fast-moving goods you can sell for 3, 4, 5 or even 10 times the price to earn you loads of money, so much and so quickly your neighbors would think you did money making ritual.


This is the business of the masters, the Eleganzas, the Kalus, the Dantatas, and the Dangotes. They did it all at a stage in their lives. Welcome then,   Dollars From Singapore



You need not get sentimental and skeptical. I am not going to bore you with bank accounts to convince you about anything. No, by the grace of


God, I have had my fair share of success and have made good money from this business.


I will only show you a couple of examples of goods I have sold and gotten for myself and loved ones. If that convinces you about the prosperity of this business, good for you. Because this is about you and not me.

Sample 1.

My One-In-Town Wrist Watch.

What time is this? You don’t know. Ok, I tell you

The time is 9.07pm. You get the nine by counting the red. You add the 5 in yellow to the two small blue squares to give 7 minutes. The P is Pm. So, time is 9.07pm.

You can make the watch to flash every 15 or 30 or 45 or 60 minutes. It depends. Wait till when it flashes on your wrist in a party in the night and watch as everybody around steal glances at you. You become the star.

The opposite sex wants to know what you are putting on. Now, how much do you think you can sell this in Nigeria? N10, 000? N15,000. If you know your onions, you can get more from high net individuals This watch is just $12.00 (N1980).

Let us sell this watch for N10,000. It can be more. This is 405% profit. I actually refused a N10, 000 offer for it. I did not refuse because I do not like money, but because I cannot imagine another person planting the wrist watch on his wrist.

Even if you sell this watch for N5000, you are still making good profit (251%), that is assuming you are selling to resellers.


Now wait for this, if you buy 50 pieces, the price crashes to $10.00. (N1650) This biz is damn good. The first watch I got from this business was just $7 dollars and my banker son offered #7000 for it.


I didn’t sell it to him, but gave it to his junior brother and gave him a more unusual watch. Till today, he tells me his friends and bosses say his watch, “makes sense”. Up and mobile guys know the meaning of that.


If you own one of those cute watches, you will be getting side compliments like this and your estimation, in the eyes of others will rise astronomically. They think you must be highly connected.


Sample 2.


Lovely Wireless Car Mouse.


Got this for $5 during sales. This is about N825. In Ibadan here, I have bought wireless mouse for N2500 and it didn’t last a year.

This one is more than 18 months and fell down several times and it is still strong. I am using it to write this. You will get a lot of “where did you get that” complements from people if you use that mouse. I got so many.

Nobody ever resisted that mouse. Perhaps you are skeptical; this is the watch on my wrist and the mouse in my hand.

The Watch



Besides those I sell, I have bought stuff for my children, wife and friends and for them, I am a star and hero. Even if you are not to take this as a business, do yourself a favor, make some orders and thrill your loved ones to these uncommon goods and become a their idol.


They will worship you. You feel outstanding when you are the only one wearing a particular exotic wrist watch in a gathering. How would you feel when friends ask you where you got a one-of-its-kind-mouse for your computer.

Sample 3



This necklace goes for only $9.64 (N1590). Any Nigerian woman will fall for this.

Take it to any big lady and you will easily get N10, 000. Women buy jewelries in hundreds of thousands depending on their economic level.

If you are a man reading this, get one for your partner and experience the flurry of kisses of an elated and excited woman when you put it on her neck. And get even more kisses when her friends give her compliments for the necklace. If you are a lady, do yourself a favor, get one for yourself.

I read somewhere women can go to jail for jewelries. No I don’t believe them, but I know women can go to any length to get jwelries.


Let us quickly look at the sweetest part of this business

The sweetest Part Of This  Business.

1. You can even get the price cheaper if you order 50 pieces and above. For example, the watch becomes $14.18 (N2340 ),The Car Wireless mouse comes down to $7.82 (1307) while the security alarm shrinks to $8.27(1365)


2. It is transport free to anywhere, whether 1 or 1,000,000. This is fair.


3. It is registered and so can never get lost. I never had a single problem with the source.


4. When they have sales and they do often, you will get quality goods at crazy prices.


5. You can quicken delivery time using couriers but not necessary.


6. You are covered with 60days guarantee.


7. You are also protected by almighty pay pal and escrowed payment.


8. You can do it anywhere, no office needed. You can do it even away from home.


9. No papers, no office palaval.


How Do You Get These Goods?


You will be able to get these exotic goods if you have a copy of my well researched eBook, Dollars From Singapore. It takes you by the hand and shows you what to buy, right from when you are thinking about it till when it gets to your hand.

What Do You Get Inside The Book?

You get these and more from the book.


• Where to get fast-moving, dirt-cheap goods that will give you eye popping profit to live the life you cherish and spoil your loved ones.


• How to know dangerous sources and avoid losing your money and time coupled with dashed expectation.


• The best two sources from experience that guarantees results with no stress.


• How to know exactly where your goods are at any time through tracking to give you peace of mind.


• The sources to avoid so you do not lose your money and spend your money wisely to avoid unnecessary stress.


• The goods to avoid so as not run into debt from unsold goods.


• The goods to order to give you the unbelievable profit to live well.


• How to pay for the good without sweat in the comfort of your room and gives you more quality time to spend with your loved ones


• How to market your goods and maximize profit.


• How and why you may want to sell in bulk to quickly expand your market and quicken your journey to the top.


• And much more.

So How Much Is The BOOk?

Before the price,


Hear What Users Are saying.

Re ; My testimony


To Me

Today at 5:46 PM


This is another buster, it has raised  the ceiling in small and medium businesses . some  people said you couldn’t do importation with less than 10k but you proved them wrong. My $12 dollar wrist watch is resting beautifully on my wrist.

Segun  Joseph

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Ademola Kayode

To Me
Daddy Omi,
This is as good as your other book which I bought. I never knew you could get cheap goods like this and sell at high prices. I sold a watch to a big man at about 10 times the price and he was happy like a baby with Ice cream. But sha, the watch is one in town. Thanks.






To Me
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Subject: Testimonial


When I read your last book, my dream of not working under anyone came alive, now it “DOLLARS FROM SINGAPORE” I can’t wait to soar higher.
Dotun From Ilorin
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Now, The price.


I could easily charge anything to 10k for the information here because I know one deal will overpay you your investment.


I could also give you free, but I will not.


It is not going to be free because, people do not value  free things. The Yorubas  have an adage: the  medicine you get for free is always kept at the back of the earthen stove meaning it is not valued.


It has happened to me during this journey of internet business. I have gotten gold for free only for me to lodge them somewhere in my lap top and discover much later that I have missed a lot.But anytime I pay for a book, I voraciously consume it.


So this is not going to be free, but I will not charge you a leg and arm.


If you have a mere 3k now  the book is yours before I jack up the price.




Some people did  not believe me when I said I would jack up the price of my other book to be commensurable to the value. Today, they are wiser as the price has doubled, but even at that it is still a steal.


Do not delay like them. Today you get Dollars From Singapore for a paltry N3,000





If you buy the book today, you have the following Bonuses.Two of them worth more than 10k while the third is priceless.




How To Wow Your Customers To Keep Them For Live

Business is about getting customers and keeping them.
This book shows you just that. It is a must for any business person.
It is a talisman of wooing customers and keeping them.


The Mystery Book.

Business wise, I have not been the same again since I read this book.
I have been brain-waiving creating ideas for money on a daily basis.
If you have not read this book, you have missed a lot.


48 Laws Of Wealth.

Follow these Laws and be wealthy. Simple. You cannot practice these laws and be poor.



Life Consultancy With Me.

If you invest on this book, you have  access to me anytime free of cost. Call me, Spype me, email me, text me or even visit me in Ibadan here as many have done. I will be glad to see you and even buy you a drink. This free consultation is priceless.


Only Those who PayWithin 7 Days Will Get The Bonus.


Some people have dreams, good dreams but get them dashed because of procrastination or because they are tight-fisted, cannot invest a token to secure their future or even because they are afraid of trying new ideas.

All those without exception won’t be rich and free.
This offer will be for just 50 people for obvious reasons. If the weapon is in many hands, we may injure ourselves.


1.Bank Payment Or Bank Transfer


Pay N3,000 to any of the accounts below..


$15 To GTB Domiciliary Account

Name:  Omiyale Richard Olajide Ayinde

GTB Dugbe, Account No 0029220273

 Domiciliary Account For $  0136333039


Wema Bank, Olubadan, Account No 0120683257


Access Bank, Iwo Road, Acount No. 0027595525

2. Bank Transfer

If you have a token, and I do not see why you should not have one, You can do internet transfer to any of those accounts. It saves you time and money you spend going to the bank to queue.


 Next Step.

E mail your payment particulars to jidolconsul005@yahoo.com
SMS to 0803-424-1050. Detailing your name, teller no and amount. You get your book via your email, immediately I receive the alert.


This offer will not last for ever. It will be pulled down in no time for a new project we are working on.
Beware of dashed dream, because of procrastination. Go book your order now before this page is gone for ever.


Let us recap what you will learn from this book


  • Where to get fast-moving, dirt-cheap goods that will give you eye popping profit to live the life you cherish and spoil your loved ones.
  • How to know dangerous sources and avoid losing your money and time coupled with dashed expectation.
  • The best two sources from experience that guarantees results with no stress.
  • How to know exactly where your goods are at any time  through tracking to give you peace of mind.
  • The sources to avoid so you do not lose your money and spend your money wisely to avoid unnecessary stress.
  • The goods to avoid so as not run into debt from unsold goods.
  • The goods to order to give you the unbelievable profit to live well.
  • How to pay for the good without sweat in the comfort of  your room and gives you more quality time  to spend with your loved ones
  • How to market your goods and maximize profit.
  • How and why you may want to sell in bulk to quickly expand your market and quicken your journey to the top.
  • And much more.


And again

What The  Book Does To You

  • It provides you enough cash from the profit to live an affluent life and spoil your loved ones which make them love you them the more.


ü  You become the go-to-man in your area because the business will surely expand your area of influence and become peoples’ idol.


ü  It commands you honor and respect because it is not your run of the mill business. People respect you because of the nature of the business. They give up their seats for you in gatherings.


ü  You get to know affluent people who will give you connections at the top. It affords you the opportunity to mix with cream of the society.

More respect.


ü  And this is important, your expansion is limitless. You can get to any level.


Are You Safe With This Man?


Absolutely yes. You are dealing wit a grandpa who has by the grace of he Lord had his own fair share of success with children doing very well in their own right.


I am all over the net with more than five sites. Try Google my name. Besides, my photograph is there, you can crop it and give it to the corps if you discover I am a fraud. I have a physical address in Ibadan here.


You are well covered and protected. I carry all the risks.


Here is your guarantee.


You have 60 days guarantee. No ifs, No whats, No questions. We credit your account if you have any complaints.

Now you have the guarantee, nothing stops you from harvesting from this book.

This offer will not last for ever. It will be pulled down after 50 copies. Beware of dashed dream because of procrastination. Go book your order now before this page is gone for ever.

Dollars From Singapore

Order Form

YES! I want this Book To Change My Economic Level.

  • I understand I will be billed N3,000 today to receive immediate access to  “Dollars From Singapore”
  • I will instantly have access to the book  anywhere in the world immediately my payment is received.
  • I can refund for any reason or no reason whatsoever within the next 60 days


I am sorry, this offer will close after 50 people or 7 Days from today. We will pull the page down and move to other things. If you come at 51 , I am sorry. you are late.
The meaning of that? You must pay now when the opportunity is still there. The alternative is that you miss the chance.

Go and be rich.

Otunba Jide Omiyale(MBA,FCIM)

Jidol Consul, Ibadan.

PS. 1. The offer is for 50 people for obvious reasons The moment we reach 50 we  will pull down this page.

PS 2.I am prepared to make this even sweeter. If you come within the first 20, you will get the best eBook ever written on Fiver. This book is sold for 7,500. I will give it to you free and you will promise me you will not give it out to anybody.
