
No Man Is Truly Free Who Works For Another Man



I am Otunba Jide Omiyale, head of Jidol Consul ,the publisher of this site. Let us talk business because that is the only language we understand.

Why are we qualified to do that?

Well, I hold three degrees including an MBA and fellow of Chartered Institute of marketing having qualified as a chartered marketer since 1982. I have worked in top-of-the-shelf international and have been in management for more than 30 years.

Currently, I run a school, a farm in addition to running seminars on employment and consulting. Regularly I give lecture to Graduates on how to stand on their own.

I have decided to dedicate the rest of my working life to enriching and encouraging people to stand on their own because they themselves will not only be enriching themselves but also others.

Besides, they are only truly free when they work for themselves.

I am not alone here, with me are other professionals.

So, let us talk Business.

If you want to create money, You create jobs and if you want to create jobs you start a company. This is irrefutable. It has been replicated all over the world. The Japan industrial revolution is a significant example.

The economy of any nation will depend on how productive the working population is and the workforce can only produce to the extent that there are jobs.

Ultimately, the economy of a nation will rest on how many small and medium enterprises there are. It is unfortunate Nigeria does not keep statistics and when kept they are usually unreliable, otherwise it will be clearly proven that the SME employs more than the government, even with their bloated figure.

All you need to do is look around you. How many self employed are there and how many on salaried jobs. You will clearly see that the artisans, the farmers and the traders take the lion’s share.

If Nigeria must develop, we must improve on our entrepreneur abilities and set up more companies.

This is the essence of this site.

According to The Central Bank of Nigeria SME is defined according to asset base and the number of staff employed. Those with a capital base of N5M and N300M workforce of between 11 and 300 are Small and Medium Enterprises.

We will not agree with this definition. There are million employers of labor, which do not fall into either criteria. That is why the site is meant for anybody wanting to start a business even with Zero capital

Graduate, artisans, professionals will find this site handy. Salaried people wanting to have a business against the raining day or a retiree looking for a business to do will need to come here.

You do not need millions to start a business.

Nigerians in the Diaspora will need to go round this site to find a business of choice. We have many abroad with resources, but finding it difficult to decide on which business to do. For them they need not search further as we add stuff to the site on a daily basis.

You say what about foreigners and we say yes, they are welcome. It is their site too. Often, I get asked by foreigners what can we invest on in your country. There are enough business opportunities here you just have to be creative like in other places. The market is vast and still growing.

This site will help to nourish your creativity besides giving you ideas you can invest in.

We believe that the future of Nigeria will be defined by the quality and the size of her SME. Here we believe you need to have a business to contribute your own quota.

When you own a business, you are helping yourself, others and the country.

Agreed, we cannot all be employers of labor, but the more the merrier.

Take your time and navigate around, you will discover a business that fascinates you. There must be something to gain. You may even find material under the inspirational to trigger off the entrepreneur, seed lying fallow in you.

For a start you may want to read this inspiring article, It can be done.

Also check out our services.

I have written this book, Profitable Small and Medium  Businesses For Emerging Economy. You will find it illuminating. Check it out here.


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Ultimately, you will need to have a business to get you affluence, influence and financial freedom to command respect for you and your family. It is the game changer. After all, no man is free who works for another man.

Welcome abroad.





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