How To Make Money With Your Car Without Making It A Taxi.

Elsewhere on this site, we have spoken about transportation. Executive car hire is a special branch of transport services.

You find them at the airports, hotels and some exclusive places. They are to serve high net individuals and well heeled companies by moving their mangers about.

This business vomits money like a faulty gaming machine. You charge per day or distance depending on circumstances but whichever way it is, you  are  winning. Rates  differ from town  to  town.

Find  out  what  is operating in your place. At times, the executive you are driving may not even leave his hotel meaning no fuel cost. You are happy, you company customer is happy because their officer is happy being waited upon.


The cars have to be neat and in very good condition. If your vehicle breaks down frequently, you will be out of business before you realise it. You can pool together five of such cars, if you do not have the means to walk alone.

Having done that,  register your presence by introducing your outfit to prospective customers or by erecting a big signboard.

Do not forget to put car hire boards on the vehicles.  As some users may want to pass as the owners of such cars when on hire, you may not need to brand them.

Even if you have one car you can start by contracting jobs to owners of equally well running cars.

At the extreme, I do not see how two young graduates cannot pool resources together to get one and I am sure companies will readily extend patronage to them.

Having gotten the cars, get in contact with corporate citizens who may need your service. With phones, they will contact you when your service is needed.

It helps to be acquainted with the geography of the country and this you get from experience and asking questions.

MARKETING. Site in good locations where those passing by can notice you. Of course, small car hire signposts must be placed on your neatly packed cars. Be friendly with the Transport or Protocol Officers of companies you deal with.

Give them calls regularly in the African way to say hello. Dress neatly and executively. Your Cars must be neat and moderately perfumed.

Keep records of your customers. They are not poor men and you may need them in future. This relationship is part of your reward.

You can also register with big bus transportation companies as they sometimes have more than they can cope with. They will call you and you move the left overs.

CAVEAT. Drive carefully especially on roads that are new to you. Return valuables forgotten in your car.

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