7 Lessons From The Triumph Of Trump

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Against all odds and predictions Donald Trump won the American election. I say this because to the last seconds, most polls were in favour of Secretary Clinton. The poll on Yahoo home page, for instance was 52 to 33 in favour of Clinton.

I heard once that life itself is the best university and this American election just confirms that.

Whoever thought that the Clintons would not make history as the first couple to live in the white as presidents at different times.

Whoever thought that the Clintons would not make history as the first couple to live in the white as presidents at different times.

So what lessons can we learn from this?

The first lesson here must be doggedness and determination. Whatever the mind can conceive can materialise. Trump had seen himself as the next American president and he followed it through with all the determination and vigour he could muster. When you have a vision, follow it with passion and that exactly was what Trump did and won him the trophy.

Trump had seen himself as the next American president and he followed it through with all the determination and vigour he could muster. When you have a vision, follow it with passion and that exactly was what Trump did and won him the trophy.

When you have a vision, follow it with passion and that exactly was what Trump did and won him the trophy.

You cannot substitute anything for hard work. Our youths have a lot to learn from here. They all want the comfort of life without any sweat.  With all the assistants, Trump was still doing the hard work. He would travel all over the place only to come back to twit at three in the morning. When the Democrats wanted to use this against him, he turned the table to say “at least you know I would be in the white house working for you till 3am” alluding somehow to the health of Clinton which is suspect.

With all the assistants, Trump was still doing the hard work. He would travel all over the place only to come back to twit at three in the morning. When the Democrats wanted to use this against him, he turned the table to say “at least you know I would be in the white house working for you till 3am” alluding somehow to the health of Clinton which is suspect.

When the Democrats wanted to use this against him, he turned the table to say “at least you know I would be in the white house working for you till 3am” alluding somehow to the health of Clinton which is suspect.

When the Democrats wanted to use this against him, he turned the table to say “at least you know I would be in the white house working for you till 3am” alluding somehow to the health of Clinton which is suspect.

Single-Mindedness. Donald trump has a lot of this and all successful people have this. At times people would think you are mad when following a dream. The lesson here is, dream your dream and live your dream. At a stage in the campaign, Trump was probably the only person who believed in himself.

Not a few top republicans asked Trump to forget it but the millionaire brushed them aside. I am sure even some of his close associates including his blood would have whispered something like “it’s all over”.  But not Trump, when a journalist suggested something like dropping from the race, his reply was, o, nadal, never.

The lesson here is, dream your dream and live your dream. At a stage in the campaign, Trump was probably the only person who believed in himself.

Not a few top republicans asked Trump to forget it but the millionaire brushed them aside. I am sure even some of his close associates including his blood would have whispered something like “it’s all over”.  But not Trump, when a journalist suggested something like dropping from the race, his reply was, o, nadal, never.

There has never been any great man with this attitude of single-mindedness. When Jesus was here, they didn’t believe him but he trudged on because he believed in his mission.

When Billgate left the university to start his computer empire, people thought he was crazy. The Wright brothers were credited with making the first plane but when they were at it, neighbours were laughing at them.

Perhaps the closest example I have on this is the story of Group Medical Hospital standing tall at Mokola roundabout in Ibadan.

When the owner began that dream, his seniors thought he was crazy. Why would you leave a secured salary job to go start a risky venture, they said.

Those advising him against that dream came to work in that hospital. When you have a dream, follow your mind. In this whole world, advice is the cheapest commodity.

Another lesson from this election is this, there will be pressure but you must be ready to bear it. The top is not meant for the Lilly livered.

There would be pressure from all angles. From family, from friends, from associate, you must be ready to absorb it without breaking down and without losing focus.

Donald Trump had more than his fair share of pressure during this campaign. The press did put pressure on Trump. Virtually all newspapers in USA including those that are traditionally pro-republican put the pressure on the new president-elect. They were so unsparing labelling him a dishonest liar who people could not trust.


Perhaps the greatest lessons from this election are the last two.

Most times people do not buy with common sense they do with emotion. Many buyers defy logic when they buy no wonder Marketers talk about impulse buying.

Let us be honest, if we were to follow common sense who would have voted Trump. I mean juxtapose both and put them on common sense scale, Clinton would outweigh Trump.

The ladies came in millions to claim he harassed them sexually. When I read that, I said the man was gone but that was common sense. The women still went ahead to vote Trump.

When the stats are out, we should not be surprised that more women voted Trump. Blacks claim he is a racist, they still voted him.

Coming close to this is the fact that we act   most of the time. The Americans are good thespians. They say one thing and do another. In real life most of us are like that.

We all go to Churches and Mosques professing piety but are we pious. Our women will behave like angels in church and become Satans at homes. This American election has again proved this; we say one thing and do the opposite.

This is the last lesson. Be wary of prophets and follow your mind. T.B Joshua is undoubtedly a leading prophet here but this time, he missed it. Prophets are not God as only God is infallible.

So am I a friend of Trump? No, never, nadal as he would say. If I had the chance to vote in this election I would have gone Clinton.

So will the world now come to an end with Trump in the white house? Again, no because Americans have safety valves built into their constitution.

Their congress is so strong and powerful. Trump will soon find out that he has bosses-the American people and the blacks may very well find out that, Trump is their president.

Congrats   President Trump, I won’t vote you but I admire your courage.


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