Cleaning Business Is Big Business, See How.

Cleaning business is big business just as feces business is big business.

You are not going to do the cleaning on your own, you employ women to do it for you. There are people doing this business as contractors with big companies and they are doing well for themselves.

They do sweep and clean the offices. They get the contract and pay the workers. The same principle they use in providing security for companies they use in this.

You too can set up and get into the companies. Do not accept defeat. Now, even if you cannot get contract in big companies because you are not well connected, you can make a good living by arranging to clean the houses of rich people.

I told you, rich people are lazy, their children are even worse. Set out your outfit as a house cleaning one and employ some women to do the cleaning. When payment is made, you take your cut.

Usually, you will need to introduce your cleaning business  professionally with a sound introductory letter followed by personal visits. One or two households for a start and good performance, referrals will do the rest.

I know what I am saying. My compound is about two plots and with all the children away, it is a hell of job for madam (my wife) to clean up. Consequently, we have to engage a woman doing cleaning business to do the cleaning and we pay on weekly basis.

The idea is, you get the cleaning business job, agree on the payment and get the women to do the cleaning. Your workers will not come on daily basis, could be once or twice a week. Your job could include washing of clothes, ironing of clothes and even cooking, the more the better.

Read the book that gave the rich a start

Charges will depend on what you do and how long it takes. You have to charge in a way to keep you in business.. Do I need to tell you that, it is not everybody who can afford this service? Do I also need to tell you that you must document your workers? You must know them well and they must be guaranteed.

 cleaning business
cleaning business

MARKETING: Brief and professional letter of introduction on a cute letterhead and equally cute business card followed by personal calls. To cover wide grounds, you may employ one or two sales representatives on commission basis or on salary. Steel plates advert on walls and PHCN poles in strategic places will assist. Let your ad run something like




CAVEAT: You are going into people’s houses, be careful the people you  employ  do  not  put  you  in  trouble.  Please  clean  very  well. Performance is the word here

Go Here For Free copy Of Businesses That Can Never Fail Even If You  Want To Fail


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